We work hand in hand with our clients to develop and evolve products over time
Research, develop and grow with us
Solution Range
Our motors installed in different vehicles are an important part of a chain offering high-quality solutions for mobility in the future. In this way, we can reduce emissions and contribute to a cleaner environment.
Mobility devices require robust brushless DC motors with long lifetimes in order to achieve the long-term capacity and reliability desired by users. Domel offers optimised drives with increased energy efficiency in line with future trends.
Automotive industry
Electrification of transport is one of the main strategic objectives in the EU in the field of reducing pollution, noise and transport emissions. EU citizens commute to work and other activities located on average at less than 15 km from home on a daily basis. Small electric passenger cars are the right solution for day-to-day urban transport, since they significantly improve the quality of life in cities by reducing pollution and noise, and can easily be charged from the existing electricity network. Moreover, the use of electric powertrains substantially lowers transportation costs, which is an important financial consideration for the general population. Therefore, small electric passengers cars, such as electric two-wheelers, scooters and newly emerging three- or four-wheel light vehicles, are becoming attractive to a wider population.